Please have a look at our frequently asked questions.
Please have a look at our frequently asked questions.
Can I continue shopping with phone?
Yes, you can! Our 24-hour delivery service +374 98-06-06-02 will still be operating. However, we strongly recommend using our online shopping system, as you can more precisely choose the products by viewing their photos, description and details.
How can I find the products I need?
By searching or browsing.
Can I create a list of ‘Favorites’ without adding them to cart?
Yes, you can! If you like any product but don’t want to add it to cart yet, you can just mark it as ‘Favorites’, then view it in ‘Favorites’ list. To mark, click on the heart next to the product and make sure it comes yellow. Your choice will be saved and be available each time you log in. You can view the ‘Favorites’ list by clicking the ‘Favorites’ button under the search bar.
Can I see the history of my orders and the status of the active delivery?
Yes, you can! After logging in you will have your own profile, where you can see all the orders and their statuses ‘Delivered’, ‘In process’, «Cancelled».
Can I add new addresses each time?
In your profile you fill in your delivery addresses. When placing an order you select an address from drop-down menu or add a new one. The addresses you enter while ordering will automatically be added to your profile.
Can I return the shopped products?
Yes, you can! If your purchase hasn’t undergone any quality or quantity changes, you can return it within 7 days by submitting the receipt. Anyways, if the reason of return is the quality of the product, you can change it with a normal one with our delivery person. The same is effective in those cases when you have ordered a product belonging to the same category but of different brand or trade mark.